Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case, and case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case undertaken by us.
This past summer, we at Sumner Immigration Law were thrilled to be able to start offering the same immigration services to same-sex couples as are available for heterosexual couples. In fact, in August, a representative of Equality Virginia contacted us for insight on Post-DOMA immigration filings, and published an article featuring the immigration story of one of our Post-DOMA couples. We are happy to report that the couple has successfully navigated the marriage-based immigration process, and Sofia now enjoys conditional residence in the US. The current processing times for straight-forward marriage-based filings (where the couple files the I-130 and I-485), is fairly fast. In many cases, the case is approved within three to four months of filing. Of course all cases are different, and this processing time is subject to change. The great news is that based on our experiences and based on reports from other attorneys, immigration filings by same sex couples are going smoothly and are treated largely the same as any other filing.
We offer our hearty congratulations to Syd and Sofia, as well as our other clients, who have successfully obtained permanent residence in 2013. If you are not included in that number, but are thinking about filing for permanent residence either through a family member or through your employer, we are happy to speak with you to develop a successful strategy. You can contact us at, or at 804-396-3412.
This post is published with the express permission of Sofia and Syd. We never disclose confidential client information, unless that information has already been made public by the client (such as this article), and unless we have obtained express permission from the client.